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Heritage Loaf

This tasty loaf features our classic Sifted Red Spring Wheat Flour with the addition of Whole Grain Red Fife Flour. The result is a deeply flavourful loaf with a rich brown crust from the caramelized whole grains. 

Heritage Loaf
695g Flourist Sifted Red Spring Flour
300g Flourist Whole Grain Red Fife Flour
776g water
170g sourdough starter
25g salt

Combine water and sourdough starter in a bowl and flours. Mix until combined into a shaggy mass then let sit for 30 minutes. Add the salt and squeeze into the dough. Fold the dough and let sit for another 30 minutes. Perform this action of folding the dough and letting sit for 30 minutes a further 4 times for a total of 5 folds.

After the 5th fold invert the dough onto the counter and divide into two. Pre-shape and let sit for 10 minutes. Flour your baskets while you wait for the dough to rest.

Perform the final shape and invert into the basket, seam side up. Place in the fridge overnight before baking. 

Preheat your oven to 450°F. Place a dutch oven with a lid inside the oven while it is preheating. Remove one of the loaves from the fridge and let rest at room temperature in the basket for 20 minutes while your oven is preheating. Carefully remove the dutch oven from the oven and invert your loaf into it. Score as desired, using a sharp razor blade or sharp paring knife. Replace the lid and return the dutch oven to the hot oven.

Immediately lower the heat to 425°F. Bake for 30 minutes then remove the lid, being careful as steam will release. Bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, until the colour is nice and dark and the bottom sounds hollow when you knock on it. Alternatively, you can check the internal temperature which should be between 190°F and 200°F. Let cool on a wire rack before slicing. Enjoy! 


Janna (Flourist)

Hi Chris,

If the dough is too sticky to handle easily we recommend lowering the hydration by 1-2% and also increase the time spent on the initial mix/first fold. It may need additional gluten development. Please email us at if you have any additional questions!



I find the dough quite sticky and hard to shape, what can I do about this?

SHeron aLlen

How to make the sour dough starter

Janna (Flourist)

Hi Noreen, After some additional testing in the home baking environment, we agree that this hydration is too high. We have lowered the hydration by 4% to 78% and updated the recipe accordingly. Thank you for letting us know your experience! Please feel free to reach out to if you have any additional questions.


Is this dough meant to be very high hydration? I wonder if I made a mistake, as I can hardly work with it. It won’t hold its shape at all. I would like some clarification before I waste any more of your beautiful flour. Love your commitment to quality!

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