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Grilled Red Spring Flatbreads

We love any excuse to spend time outdoors when the warm weather hits. Fire up the barbecue and enjoy these flavourful flatbreads with all your favourite toppings (just like the first recipe we published here), made with our Flourist Sifted Red Spring Wheat Flour. 

Grilled Red Spring Flatbreads
~ adapted from Smitten Kitchen Every Day
3/4 cup warm water
Heaping 1 tsp active dry yeast
2 tbsp olive oil
3/4 cup (190g) thick plain yogurt
2 1/2 cups plus 2 tbsp (350g) Flourist Sifted Red Spring Wheat Flour. 
1 1/2 tsp salt

Place warm water in a large bowl and sprinkle yeast over the top. Put aside for 10 minutes to let it dissolve. Stir in olive oil, yogurt and 2 cups flour and salt. Stir with wooden spoon until everything is completely incorporated. 

Add 1/2 cup and 2 tbsp flour and continue stirring, the dough will start getting stiff, but keep on going until it all comes together. Scrape dough onto a counter. Lightly oil the bowl with olive oil. Knead the dough a few times until the dough is consistent. Return dough to bowl, cover in plastic wrap and set aside until it doubles in size, about 60 minutes. 

Place dough onto a floured counter, and divide into 6 pieces. Flour a baking tray. You can roll the dough with a lightly floured rolling pin or stretch them with floured fingers. Place on prepared baking tray and repeat with the remaining pieces. Brush the tops with olive oil. 

Heat an outdoor grill to medium high. Once hot, place dough on it, oiled side down and grill until grill marks appear, about 5 minutes. Brush the tops of the flatbreads with olive oil, flip them over and cook until the second side has darkened, and the dough is cooked through. Serve warm. 


Patty Duquette

Love these, I freeze them after cooking, works great. Do you have nutritional info?


About how thick would you roll the 6 rounds. Or what is the diameter of the rounds?

Shira McDermott

Hi Marie-Eve! We haven’t experimented with freezing the dough!


How about freezing? Would I do the whole process and freeze half right before putting on grill?

Shira McDermott

Hi Rozita! You could certainly experiment with sourdough starter in this recipe though we haven’t done so ourselves!

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