Cheesy Zucchini Millet Casserole

Posted by Shira McDermott on

Cheesy Zucchini Millet Casserole

We were inspired to create this recipe after seeing this Instagram post by Smitten Kitchen. We knew immediately it would be incredibly delicious with millet and a generous amount of cheese. We were right. 

Cheesy Zucchini Millet Casserole
5 zucchini, grated 
1 large sweet onion, chopped 
2 tbsp olive oil for cooking the onion 
3 cups cooked Flourist Millet (approximately 1.5 cups dry will be enough)
1 cup coarsely grated parmesan cheese 
1 cup aged cheddar, grated 
½ cup milk 
¼ cup Flourist Sifted Red Spring Wheat Flour
2 eggs  
2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp ground white pepper 
Fresh parsley for garnish 

First, cook the Flourist Millet according to our Millet Cooking Guide. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. While the millet cooks, grate the zucchini and cheese and add to a large mixing bowl, reserving 1/4 cup of each cheese for the top. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the chopped onions. Cook the onions, stirring, until browned, about 8-10 minutes. Add to the zucchini mixture when done. 

When the millet is cooked, add to the zucchini mixture along with the flour, milk, eggs, salt, and white pepper. Stir well to combine. 

Add to a buttered 8x11 inch pan, or you could also use a 9x13 inch pan (the casserole will just be a little thinner and may cook quicker). Sprinkle the casserole with the reserved grated cheese and add to the oven. Cook for 30-35 minutes until the cheese is browning and bubbly. Remove and sprinkle with fresh herbs to garnish.  

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  • I had 1 large zucchini which was about 5 cups of grated vegetable. This worked perfectly in the recipe, I also added dried red pepper flakes to amp up the spice content. Everyone had seconds!

    Kathryn on
  • This is a great recipe but with the zucchini season upon us and mega zukes coming in, how many cups of grated zucchini would this recipe require?

    Kathryn D Friesen on
  • It was great visiting your soon to be opened shop today. We wait with great anticipation for the opening. Maybe, just maybe we’ll buy a loaf of bread but flour, a cup of coffee certainly.
    The recipe looks great. Thanks.

    Blake Roberts on

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