Classic Hummus

Posted by Shira McDermott on

Classic Hummus
We've been making this hummus recipe since our earliest days, before we had flour mills, and long before we had physical locations. ⁠

In fact, it's the chickpea we have to thank for Flourist even existing, since it was over a bag of farm direct Saskatchewan chickpeas that the idea of making fresher dry goods and flour more widely accessible was first envisioned by our co-founders, and then friends, Janna and Shira. 

This recipe is one of the first things lifelong vegetarian + co-founder Shira ever made on her own, when she first took an interest in cooking at age 15 or so. ⁠It's special because taking food matters into your own hands at any age is empowering. It's this feeling that we hope inspires more folks to look in their pantries and wonder about where those ingredients come from, who grew them, and just how they can be used to nourish and sustain us. 

Originally published way back in 2015, we used to make this hummus for events and pop-ups when we had started our business but didn't yet mill flour or have a storefront. Hummus is such a wonderful thing to make at home, and we've kept the recipe as is all these years. We sell it now at our bakery, for those who live locally to try before they make it. It's such a wonderful way to experience the quick cooking and creamy texture of our chickpeas. Freshness really does make all the difference. 

Cook up our creamy Flourist Kabuli Chickpeas and keep them on hand for recipes like this. This classic pared down hummus needs no alteration. 

Classic From Scratch Hummus
2 cups cooked Flourist Kabuli Chickpeas
1/4 cup sesame tahini
3-4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil
up to 1/4 cup water
1 clove fresh garlic
1/4 tsp cayenne powder

Combine all ingredients except the water in your blender or food processor and start blending. Add the water as the blender is running until you get a nice smooth texture. Transfer to a serving bowl or container and keep in the fridge until ready to use.

Dress this up by adding fresh herbs, chopped tomatoes, greens, roasted garlic, olives, sun-dried tomatoes or roasted peppers. 

For those who can access our store or local delivery service, you can buy it ready made by our team here.

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  • What cooking instructions do you recommend for the Kabuli chickpeas?

    Shameer Mulji on

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