The Perfect Loaf
Ever since we started our company, we've been obsessed with the Instagram account of Maurizio Leo. In the last 10 years, Maurizio has established himself as a leading voice in the sourdough world, having supported thousands of new and aspiring bakers with their sourdough baking journeys. Learn the bread-baking process step by step, from creating a sourdough starter to pulling your first loaf of delicious bread from the oven.
Maurizio has spent 10+ years discovering how to bake delicious and healthy sourdough bread in the home kitchen.

Our Philosophy
Food Creates Connection
Canada produces some of the worlds best grains and beans. The world markets know this and a majority of these crops are highly sought after for export to other countries. Canada's hard red spring wheat is especially renowned for producing exceptional results in bread baking and pasta making.
Canadian-grown crops are valued for their safety, quality and high performance. Flourist exists to connect consumers with this high quality product and tell the stories of the families growing it.