Raspberry + White Chocolate Cream Scones

Raspberry + White Chocolate Cream Scones

This is a simple, introductory recipe for cream scones. A tip is to keep the scones as cold as possible before adding them into a hot, fully preheated oven for baking. The recipe uses Flourist Sifted Spelt Flour but we also like to partially substitute Flourist Whole Grain Spelt Flour for additional nutrients and texture. Yields 6 scones.

Raspberry + White Chocolate Cream Scones

1 ¾ cup (270g) Flourist Sifted Spelt Flour
⅓ cup (70g) sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 ½ cup (160g) frozen raspberries (or frozen blueberries)
½ cup (75g) white chocolate bar, chopped 
¾ cup (180ml) heavy cream, plus extra for brushing
1 tsp vanilla

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt until combined. Pour in the heavy cream and vanilla and use a fork to gently stir until it’s barely combined. There will be pockets of dry ingredients.

Add the frozen raspberries and white chocolate and use the fork or your hands to quickly toss everything together. The dough will still be crumbly but you want to avoid over mixing the dough. Tip the contents of the bowl onto a clean work surface and use your hands to bring the dough together and pat into a 2” tall, round disk.

(If there’s still a lot of dry bits and you’re having trouble bringing the dough together, sprinkle an additional 1 tbsp (15ml) heavy cream over the dough.)

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. 

While the dough chills, preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

When the oven is fully preheated, take the scone dough out of the freezer and remove the plastic wrap. Place the dough on a clean work surface or cutting board. Use a knife or bench scraper to cut the disk into 6 wedges and place them equally apart on the prepared baking sheet. If any pieces of fruit or chocolate fall out, they can be pushed back into the dough. Use a pastry brush to liberally brush the tops with heavy cream and sprinkle with sugar. 

Bake for 15 minutes and then rotate the pan 180 degrees. Bake for an additional 10 minutes or until the scones are golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving. These are delicious when warm and best eaten the day they are baked.

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  • Is this recipe intentionally excluding any kind of oil? My scones turned out pretty dry with pockets of flour. I’m not quite sure where I went wrong.

    Laura Bergstrome on

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