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Metric Weights & Imperial Cup Measurements are Here!

Recently we made the decision to include both metric and imperial weights in our recipes, where it makes sense. We've had some questions from many of our customers regarding this change in the way we share recipes here at Flourist, and we thought we'd take a moment to share more behind this decision. 

This is a shift that has begun in other online platforms such as cooking and baking blogs, and in cookbooks, and we are excited to provide the same for our customers. We realize that not everyone has a kitchen scale or would like to purchase one, but here are some reasons why you might be interested in making the switch to metric measurements.

Why make the change?

Providing the weights in recipes is great for increasing accuracy in recipes. The unfortunate problem with imperial weights is that a cup for one person may not be the same as a cup for another person. Even the age of the flour can effect your measurements. Flour settles as it sits and becomes more dense, so if you are not fluffing your flour before measuring it you might have a different weight than when your flour first arrived. Not all cups are created equal.

In bakeries and restaurants, weights are almost exclusively used. This is not only because it is significantly faster and more consistent, but also because it is more accurate when scaling up and down recipes. This is another reason why it is becoming more widely used in the home as well.  

One area in which we have made the conscious decision to not provide imperial measurements for is in our sourdough bread posts. Everyone's sourdough starter is different, and it is nearly impossible to provide an accurate amount in cups as some starters are more voluminous than others. We strongly encourage that you invest in a scale if you would like to begin sourdough baking. 

We will continue to provide both imperial and metric measurements going forward whenever possible in order to be inclusive to all of our customers. It is important to us that you are comfortable using our product and our recipes using the method you prefer. 

To invest in our favourite digital kitchen scale, head here.

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